We are an expert association at improving the living quality of the big persons, disabled and with problems of mobility, with some difficulty at his Autonomy, Accessibility and Mobility at his habitual surroundings at all the stages of the life. Our mission consists at resolving the necessities of Personal Autonomy.
A professional organisation at your service.
Active since the 2004, constituted as a association since the 2007.
2013 Project of Social Entrepreneurship of the Generality of Catalonia.
2014 Entity collaborator of it IMSERSO nationally and European CEAPAT.
More of 4.500 kicks realised.
More of 470 Suppliers of products, kicks and professionals of the sector.
Multidisciplinary squad of professionals at constant training.
Networking Associations / Entities Publish-Private /Administration / Undertaken.
More of 200 agreements of collaboration signed.

Ignorance: Unknowing the solutions, impedes to take the suitable decisions.
Learning: The necessity to learn the utilisation and the use of the new solution.
Evolution: According to the diagnostic, can be that there are periodic changes. For the user and the carer.
Sociability: The social activity and the emotional support is key for overcoming it.
Carer: Like assimilating and improve his conditions at his day in day out.
Professional: Select at the person, company, suitable entity according to the necessity.
Products: The utilisation of the suitable products aid at the person and at his carer.